Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Foreign Policy Definition and Examples

Foreign Policy Definition and Examples A state’s foreign policy consists of the strategies it uses to protect its international and domestic interests and determines the way it interacts with other state and non-state actors. The primary purpose of foreign policy is to defend a nation’s national interests, which can be in nonviolent or violent ways. Key Takeaways: Foreign Policy Foreign policy encompasses the tactics and process by which a nation interacts with other nations in order to further its own interestsForeign policy may make use of diplomacy or other more direct means such as aggression rooted in military powerInternational bodies such as the United Nations and its predecessor, the League of Nations, help smooth relations between countries via diplomatic meansMajor foreign policy theories are Realism, Liberalism, Economic Structuralism, Psychological Theory, and Constructivism Examples of Foreign Policy In 2013 China developed a foreign policy known as the Belt and Road Initiative, the nation’s strategy to develop stronger economic ties in Africa, Europe, and North America. In the United States, many presidents are known for their landmark foreign policy decisions such as the Monroe Doctrine which opposed the imperialist takeover of an independent state. A foreign policy can also be the decision to not participate in international organizations and conversations, such as the more isolationist policies of North Korea. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy When foreign policy relies on diplomacy, heads of state negotiate and collaborate with other world leaders to prevent conflict. Usually, diplomats are sent to represent a nation’s foreign policy interests at international events. While an emphasis on diplomacy is a cornerstone of many states foreign policy, there are others that rely on military pressure or other less diplomatic means. Diplomacy has played a crucial role in the de-escalation of international crises, and the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 is a prime example of this. During the Cold War, intelligence informed President John F. Kennedy that the Soviet Union was sending weapons to Cuba, possibly preparing for a strike against the United States. President Kennedy was forced to choose between a foreign policy solution that was purely diplomatic, speaking to the Soviet Union President Nikita Khrushchev or one that was more militaristic. The former president decided to enact a blockade around Cuba and threaten further military action if Soviet ships carrying missiles attempted to break through. In order to prevent further escalation, Khrushchev agreed to remove all missiles from Cuba, and in return, Kennedy agreed not to invade Cuba and to remove U.S. missiles from Turkey (which was within striking distance of the Soviet Union). This moment in time is significant because the two governments negotiated a solution that ended the current conflict, the blockade, as well as de-escalated the larger tension, the missiles near each other’s borders. The History of Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Organizations Foreign policy has existed as long as people have organized themselves into varying factions. However, the study of foreign policy and the creation of international organizations to promote diplomacy is fairly recent. One of the first established international bodies for discussing foreign policy was the Concert of Europe in 1814 after the Napoleonic wars. This gave the major European powers (Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia) a forum to solve issues diplomatically instead of resorting to military threats or wars. In the 20th Century, World War I and II once again exposed the need for an international forum to de-escalate conflict and keep the peace. The League of Nations (which was formed by former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson but ultimately did not include the U.S.) was created in 1920 with the primary purpose of maintaining world peace. After the League of Nations dissolved, it was replaced by the United Nations in 1954 after World War II, an organization to promote international cooperation and now includes 193 countries as members. It is important to note that many of these organizations are concentrated around Europe and the Western Hemisphere as a whole. Because of European countries’ history of imperialism and colonization, they often wielded the greatest international political and economic powers and subsequently created these global systems. However, there are continental diplomatic bodies such as the African Union, Asia Cooperation Dialogue, and Union of South American Countries which facilitate multilateral cooperation in their respective regions as well. Foreign Policy Theories: Why States Act as They Do The study of foreign policy reveals several theories as to why states act the way they do. The prevailing theories are Realism, Liberalism, Economic Structuralism, Psychological Theory, and Constructivism. Realism Realism states that interests are always determined in terms of power and states will always act according to their best interest. Classical Realism follows 16th-century political theorist Niccolà ² Machiavelli’s famous quote from his foreign policy book The Prince: â€Å"It is much safer to be feared than loved.† It follows that the world is full of chaos because humans are egoistic and will do anything to have power. The structural reading of realism, however, focuses more on the state than the individual: All governments will react to pressures in the same way because they are more concerned about national security than power. Liberalism The theory of liberalism emphasizes liberty and equality in all aspects and believes that the rights of the individual are superior to the needs of the state. It also follows that the chaos of the world can be pacified with international cooperation and global citizenship. Economically, liberalism values free trade above all and believes the state should rarely intervene in economic issues, as this is where problems arise. The market has a long-term trajectory towards stability, and nothing should interfere with that. Economic Structuralism Economic structuralism, or Marxism, was pioneered by Karl Marx, who believed that capitalism was immoral because it is the immoral exploitation of the many by the few. However, theorist Vladimir Lenin brought the analysis to an international level by explaining that imperialist capitalist nations succeed by dumping their excess products in economically weaker nations, which drives down the prices and further weakens the economy in those areas. Essentially, issues arise in international relations because of this concentration of capital, and change can only occur through the action of the proletariat. Psychological Theories Psychological theories explain international politics on a more individual level and seek to understand how an individual’s psychology can affect their foreign policy decisions. This follows that diplomacy is deeply affected by the individual ability to judge, which is often colored by how solutions are presented, the time available for the decision, and level of risk. This explains why political decision making is often inconsistent or may not follow a specific ideology. Constructivism Constructivism believes that ideas influence identities and drive interests. The current structures only exist because years of social practice have made it so. If a situation needs to be resolved or a system must be changed, social and ideological movements have the power to bring about reforms. A core example of constructivism is human rights, which are observed by some nations, but not others. Over the past few centuries, as social ideas and norms around human rights, gender, age, and racial equality have evolved, laws have changed to reflect these new societal norms. Sources Elrod, Richard B. â€Å"The Concert of Europe: A Fresh Look at an International System.†Ã‚  World Politics, vol. 28, no. 2, 1976, pp. 159–174.  JSTOR, JSTOR,â€Å"The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962.†Ã‚  U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State,, Paul R., and Mark V. Kauppi.  International Relations Theory. 5th ed., Pearson, 2011.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Aparteid essays

Aparteid essays The idea of apartheid started in South Africa around the year 1910. This all came about when Britain took over South Africa. The British thought that whites should be superior to all other races and that they should live better life styles than anyone that was not white. The rules of apartheid applied to all non - whites, and not just blacks even though blacks made up most of South Africa. The British split these non - whites into 3 racial catagories; Africans,Coloureds(those mixed of African and European descent), and Asians. Under the rules of Apartheid whites had a high standard of living while non - whites suffered from poverty and were very discriminated against. Apartheid was especially harsh on blacks. blacks could not vote and it was unheard of for a black person to be in politics. All non - whites had to carry a passbook that included information such as place of birth, date of birth, race, place of employment, and tax records. All non - whites were restricted to live on their designated reserve. The Native Land Act prevented non - whites from buying or owning land outside their reserve. The Group Areas Act divided 13 percent of South Africa into 10 homelands for black population. The rest of south Africa was reserved for whites. Coloureds and Asians lived within the white areas in segregated towns. Even though whites only took up one fifth of the population they still owned much more land than the four fifths of non - whites. Only one fourth of the whites lived on farms while the rest lived in cities. Almost all non - whites lived on farm areas and their homes were small huts made of sod and grass. They looked sort of like cone shaped beehives. These areas were called townships. Most blacks would leave their townships when they were teenagers to find work or to find land for mining. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster (1987) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster (1987) - Essay Example One of the first disasters was a fire at a soccer stadium in Bradford in May 1985. Many switched on their televisions on a Saturday afternoon for the weekly match results only to be confronted with scenes of a blazing wooden stadium and individuals, one at least on fire, running from the scene. Other disasters included an aeroplane fire at Manchester Airport during the middle of the holiday season, the sinking of a British ferry off Zeebrugge with substantial loss of life, a fire at Kings Cross, the blowing up of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie four days before Christmas, live coverage of fatal crushing at Hillsborough soccer stadium at the FA Cup semi-final and the sinking of the Marchioness pleasure boat on the River Thames during the August bank holiday weekend, 1989. [Anne Eyre, PhD] Herald of Free Enterprise is a funny name given that it was the pursuit of profit at the cost of safety that caused the accident. [] The Herald of Free Enterprise, like her sister ships Pride of Free Enterprise and Spirit of Free Enterprise, was a modern ro-ro passenger/vehicle ferry designed for use on the high-volume short Dover-Calais ferry route. [] The British ferry was built by Schichau Unterweser in Bremerhaven, Germany, in 1980 and owned by Townsend Thoresen, and had two sister ships: Pride of Free Enterprise and Spirit of Free Enterprise. ... The standard passage was concluded late in the afternoon. The departure was delayed because of the large number of passengers, thanks to a special offer. The ship had a crew of 80 and carried 459 passengers, 81 cars, 3 buses, and 47 trucks. As the Zeebrugge harbour was small, it tool lot of time for the ship to maneuver out to the sea. The calm weather and clear view of the sea would have made a safe and pleasant journey for the passengers on any day, but it happened otherwise for the passengers of this ship. The bow door, which was the entrance to the car deck, had been left wide open which was the act of negligence of duty by the crew. In the sea not far away from the coast, the ship speeded up to 18 knots, which caused tons of water to invade into the ship's interior. The immense water mass caused imbalance, which made the ferry capsize on a sand bank just off the coast near Zeebrugge. This created kiosk among the passengers and crewmembers in the ship and panic struck when lights went off. Following this everyone on the ship in an attempt to get out of the ship fought each other. The British ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsized on March 6, 1987 at ten past eight in the evening, resulting in deaths of 193 people, 150 passengers and 43 crewmembers, the highest death toll in the British history of death caused by vessel sinking since the time Titanic sank. [] Although the ship did not send an SOS signal, the rescue troops were there fast. Within three hours 360 people had been saved from the sinking ship. Belgian rescue workers arrived quickly and started saving the passengers with ships and helicopters and 408 people were saved and 50 dead bodies were

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Politics and Love in Contemporary Arabic Literature Essay - 1

Politics and Love in Contemporary Arabic Literature - Essay Example Adonis alludes that newness in Arabic society are identifiable with Arabic character. In the poem, ‘Love’ he depicts the feel of affection for the context he is in, like the road, house, the dead, the neighbors and the toiling hands of the world (Arana 120). The selected diction shows the high stakes in Adonis works, which invites every bit of creativity and intellect. He heightens the reader’s originality to new thoughts and realms that create curiosity. No, wonder his love for renewal and democratic consciousness won him the Goethe prestigious award. The reflection in the poem, ‘Celebrating Childhood’ affirms that the history of Arabic is not that of the sword but also lately made of great men. Lately, comments from Adonis on the political atmosphere in Middle East, especially in Syria that brought nothing good in the society except backwardness, bitterness, torture, and breakdown to the people, is a show of hi grip to the Arab politics (Arana 231). Kahlil Gibran is still a celebrated hero in Arabic literature context. In his Arab world, his incisive writings have earned him the tag of a political rebel (Gibran 65). Gibran works borrow a lot from the romantic styles of writing. The political events and power struggle do not make his daily life but through continual literary awareness of the situation in Lebanon, he asserts that the society is one place and homeland where all men are his fellow compatriots. The literal works of Gibran infuse the love of the society and advocacy for tranquility (Gibran 94). In ‘The Hands of Destiny’, he fascinates with the beauty of nature, and glamour that natures espouse. In this sense, Gibran aesthetic capture the literal world Lebanon ought to experience. He writes of the ideal nature that comes with spring and equates it to the Lebanon society. The reference of the beautiful spirit of Spring lingering in the atmospheres of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

My Experience, My Goals Essay Example for Free

My Experience, My Goals Essay I grew up in a country whose native language is not English. So, needless to say, the move from my native country to the United States has been difficult primarily because of the communication barriers I had to contend with. However, while English might not have been my first language, I grew up learning the language nevertheless. In my home, we had access to English shows which I was constantly exposed to at a very young age. This is the reason why I learned English without much conscious effort. The language learning was taking place at the sub-conscious level. Lu (2) said that in the acquisition of oral language, â€Å"young children are active agents†, constantly making sense of the inputs that they get from their surroundings in way that is meaningful to them. From these meanings, children then create their own sense of language rules, constantly refining and redefining these rules through active engagement and communication with the more competent language users in their immediate environment. (Lu 3) I realize that the constant exposure to the English language at a young age is the reason why I grew up knowing how to use it. There was never a conscious effort on my part to use or learn English, because it was already ingrained in my person. While the people in my household are not proficient in the language, there was an effort to know it, perhaps in preparation for our migration to the US. I had access to English books which strengthened my phonological and print awareness of the English alphabet. This happened side by side while I was learning my mother language as well and while my parents and older siblings were trying to learn English as well. As a child with a facility for the English language, I was subject to an excess of attention that I would not have received otherwise, had I just spoken our native tongue and nothing else. There is a prestige attached to the English language that makes people in my country take a second look and listen closely to what I have to say. Such is the high stature of the English language in my country that most people associate it with affluence and breeding. The situation changed once my family made the move to the United States. If you are multi-lingual, you are regarded as ethnic, especially if your pronunciation has a very thick and recognizable accent. You will be subject to stereotyping, and in some cases, be even regarded as second class citizens. While I am not saying that everyone will react negatively to your accent or your use of your mother language, it is a reality that there are some people who regard that with some amount of condescension. It is not necessarily a bad thing, just a natural part of human nature. Because language is one fundamental aspect of culture, it is therefore only natural that we become defined or identified by our native language. Difficulties can arise if we are not fluent in the standard language being used in a particular place. In such cases, when we do not know the standard language, we are immediately labeled as â€Å"foreigners†, or not born native to that place. While to some people this may not matter, the truth is that there are people who will take this against you. If there is any field that multilingualism is always an advantage, in the United States or elsewhere, and that is in the world of business. This is especially true in the age of globalism, where most business have international operations as well. Being multilingual means that I will be able to communicate with my colleagues at work, and at the same time be able to communicate with a client or supplier who speaks my native language. Actually, upon deeper reflection of my experiences, I have come to the conclusion that people do not react to your multilingualism as much as they are reacting to the accent or how you speak the English language. The more neutral your accent or the better your â€Å"American twang†, the better people regard you. And this is true regardless or what place you are in. What we speak and how we speak, reflects our history as an individual. How we speak makes a statement about who we are as a person and a measure of who we could be. Knowing how to speak in a second language will not be of much value if you cannot be understood because of how you say it. Pronunciation can be a barrier in communication, so being able to say words correctly is crucial. The good news is that once, you are fluent in English, the process of neutralizing the accent will come naturally especially in a natural English environment. After all is said and done, there is great satisfaction in not just being fluent in a second language, but also being able to say it properly and clearly. And this is what I am focusing on: working on fluency and pronunciation at the same time. In an era of globalization where English is the language of trade, the ability to communicate in the English language is a definite advantage. However with that being said, the value of the mother tongue should never be forgotten. The respect that we have for our own cultural heritage renders us with our own unique identities. And in an era of globalization, where everything is being homogenized we need to hang on to that identity or stand to lose ourselves. Works Cited Lu, Mei-Yu, Language Learning in Social and Cultural Contexts, ERIC Digest, 1998, Retrieved: April 14, 2008 from http://www. ericdigests. org/1999-2/language. htm

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Importance of Facilitation in Group Decision-making Essay -- Group

The need for a facilitator arises from the dynamics of group decision-making. In real and everyday life in business, management, politics, crisis conflict, education, etc. group meetings, each individual in the group does not think in the same way (divergent thinking) in real life, humans tend to go off on tangents, lose the original focus for the group meeting. Facilitators are needed to get ideas to converge in a way that reaches the decision point (Doyle and Kaner, 2007). A facilitator is a person who creates an environment which allows groups or organizations to be able to be more effective; to achieve their goals. Facilitators have to be essentially neutral in their stance and they must also not have any decision-making authority (Doyle and Kaner, 2007). The lecture addresses: a) The meaning of Facilitation b) Core Values of Facilitation c) Role of the Facilitator d) Key Facilitation Skills and Methods e) The Benefits of Facilitation A facilitator is not allowed to advocate for a specific view point during the process. The facilitator could be from within the organisation as well from outside the organisation (Schwarz, 2002), nevertheless the chosen facilitator needs to be accepted by all parties involved in the meeting. Literature also suggests that facilitators are only there to lead the process, where the process refers to the dynamics of group work like communication, making decisions, solving problems and handling conï ¬â€šict and that the facilitators do not contribute to the meeting in terms of substance. The literature also suggests that facilitators need to improve the structure of the setting in which they operate, where structure can be seen as the makeup of the group and group roles and this leads to an improve... ...e ground rules for conduct and behaviour and the group members agree to them before any meeting even begins. Effective facilitation requires a certain level of awareness or discernment of personalities during the program. REFERENCES Bono, E. (1999). Six Thinking Hats, Back Bay Books Publishers. Doyle, M., & Kaner, S. (2007). Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision, Jossey-Bass Publishers. Heron, J. (1999). The Complete Facilitator's Handbook, Kogan Page Publishers. Hogan, C. (2002). Understanding Facilitation: Theory and Principles, Kogan Page Publishers. Rees, F. (1998). The Facilitator Excellence Handbook: Helping People Work Creatively and Productively Together, Jossey-Bass Publishers. Schwarz, R. (2002). The Skilled Facilitator: A Comprehensive Resource for Consultants, Facilitators, Managers, Trainers, and Coaches, Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Development Of Electrocoagulation System Using Cfd Environmental Sciences Essay

Oil – H2O emulsions occur in many phases during oil production. The chief undertaking in seaward oil and gas production is to divide the gas, oil and H2O stages and to handle the single stages in order to run into the merchandise specifications. Separating H2O from uninterrupted flows of oil is normally required in oil production applications, oil refineries and chemical workss every bit good as some topographic points where it is indispensable that the hydrocarbons non be contaminated with H2O. The possible jobs with H2O taint were first emphasized during the last portion of World War II when it was found that aeroplanes could wing high plenty to do the H2O to stop dead in the fuel lines. The pilots found this unreasonably inconvenient because it caused the engines to halt, so equipment was designed to guarantee that merely bantam sums of H2O were allowed to stay in the air power fuel. A mixture of oil and H2O called as an emulsion ; an emulsion is a mechanical mixture, non a solution, dwelling of droplets of one non-miscible fluid dispersed in another uninterrupted fluid. In the instance of H2O and oil, two types of emulsion are common, depending on which is the uninterrupted stage. 1. Oil in H2O emulsions. 2. Water in oil emulsions Oil and H2O may comparatively conveniently separate utilizing gravitation and assorted enhanced gravitation systems. In the instance of taking oil from H2O, droplets of oil rise within the H2O and in taking H2O from oil, H2O droplets fall within the oil.In instances where the uninterrupted stage is oil ; it may be advisable to use extra force to assist coerce the H2O to divide. In electrostatic desalters and negotiators, an electrical field is applied and in blending cartridge centrifuges the usage of tightly packed fibre beds are used.Aims:In general, this undertaking is intended to carry through the undermentioned aims: To make an electrocoagulation system to be used to cut down the H2O content of the petroleum oil. To Design and Simulate the electrocoagulation system utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamic ( CFD ) application. To measure the functionality of the developed electrocoagulation system in footings of efficiency and functionality.LITERATURE REVIEWDefinition of Electrocoagulation:Definition of electrocoagulation from exford dictionary Electrocoagulation ( EC ) as an electrochemical method was developed to get the better of the drawbacks of conventional H2O and effluent intervention engineerings. In EC, aluminium or Fe hydrated oxide flocs which destabilize and aggregate the suspended atoms or precipitates and absorb dissolved contaminations are produced by anodal disintegration followed by hydrolysis. Electrocoagulation uses an electrical current in an electrochemical cell to clot contaminations in effluent. EC is good suited to handling effluent with the undermentioned contaminations: emulsified oils, PAHs, ill settling solids, ill soluble organics, contaminations in general that add turbidness to H2O, every bit good as negatively charged metal species such as arsenic, Mo, and phosphate. Electrocoagulation ( EC ) , besides known as Radio Frequency Diathermy or Short Wave Electrolysis, is a technique used for wash H2O intervention, effluent intervention, industrial processed H2O, and medical intervention. Electricity-based electrocoagulation engineering removes contaminations that are impossible to be removed by filtration or chemical intervention systems, such as emulsified oil, entire crude oil hydrocarbons, suspended solids, and heavy metals. A to the full automated modular system has no filters to clean or replace and does non necessitate the usage of chemicals.Theory of Electrocoagulation:2.2.1 What is the procedure all about?Electrocoagulation ( EC ) procedure has been attracted a great attending in handling industrial effluents because of the versatility and environmental compatibility. This technique has some advantages when compared to conventional methods such as simple equipment, easy to run, less keeping clip, decrease or absence of adding chemicals, rapid deposit of the electrogenerated flocs and less sludge production. Therefore, it was shown that EC could be used as an effectual and dependable method for cut downing or taking a big assortment of pollutants in effluents ( Kobya et al. , 2006 ) . Aluminum or Fe is normally used as electrodes and their cations are generated by disintegration of sacrificial anodes upon the application of a direct current. The metal ions generated are hydrolyzed in the electrochemical cell to bring forth metal hydrated oxide ions harmonizing to reactions ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) and the solubility of the metal hydrated oxide composite formed depends on pH and ionic strength. Insoluble flocs are generated at pH scope between 6.0 and 7.0 as can be seen from the solubility diagram of aluminium hydrated oxide Al ( OH ) 3 ( s ) demoing pH versus solubility ( Bensadok et al. , in imperativeness ) . Metal species react with negatively charged atoms in the H2O to organize flocs. The in situ coevals of coagulators means that electrocoagulation procedures do non necessitate the add-on of any chemicals. The gases produced at the cathode during the electrolysis of H2O and metal disintegration as seen in Eqs. ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) let the ensuing flocs to d rift ( Daneshvar et al. , 2006 ) . View the MathML beginning ( 1 ) View the MathML beginning ( 2 ) View the MathML beginning ( 3 ) The electrocoagulation has successfully been used for the intervention of effluents including dairy effluent ( Azengil and A-zacar, 2006 ) , alcohol distillery effluent ( Yavuz, 2007 ) and textile effluent ( Ogutveren, 1992 and Can et al. , 2006 ) . Meanwhile, EC procedure has been widely used to handle effluent which has high measure of oil-grease, COD and toxic such as olive oil factory effluent ( Tezcan Un et al. , 2006, Adhoum and Monser, 2004 and Khoufi et al. , 2007 ) . Treatment of oil refinery effluent was studied by Rajkumar and Palanivelu ( 2004 ) at a fixed current denseness utilizing Ti/TiO2-RuO2-IrO2 electrode and an undivided reactor with add-on of chloride while the initial COD value of 602 milligrams La?’1 was reduced to 152 milligrams La?’1 with an energy ingestion of 235.3 kWh/kg after 20 Ah/L of charge input. In this survey, treatability of VORW to legal discharge demands at assorted runing conditions by electrocoagulation utilizing aluminium electrode with add-on of Na2SO4 and PAC ( poly aluminium chloride ) that would be executable and economic in usage for little and mid size installations was investigated. Electro-coagulation is an electrochemical procedure that combines the consequence of: 1. ) electrolysis gases, that is hydrogen and O 2. ) production of polyvalent cations from corrodible anodes, e.g. Fe During the electrolysis procedure, metal cations signifier and react with hydroxide ions in cathode to organize metal hydrated oxides. In the instance of Fe electrodes, there are two feasible mechanisms for the production of the metal hydrated oxide: In acidic medium, Anode: Fe ( s ) a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Fe2+ ( aq ) + 2e- 4Fe2+ ( aq ) + 10 H2O ( cubic decimeter ) + O2 ( g ) a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 4 Fe ( OH ) 3 ( s ) + 8H+ ( aq ) Cathode: 2H+ ( aq ) + 2e- a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ H2 ( g ) Overall: 4 Fe ( s ) + 10 H2O ( cubic decimeter ) + O2 ( g ) a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 4Fe ( OH ) 2 ( s ) + 4H2 ( g ) In alkalic medium, Anode: Fe ( s ) a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Fe2+ ( aq ) + 2e- Fe2+ ( aq ) + 2OH- ( aq ) a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Fe ( OH ) 2 ( s ) Cathode: 2H2O ( cubic decimeter ) + 2e- a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ H2 ( g ) + 2OH- ( aq ) Overall: Fe ( s ) + 2H2O ( cubic decimeter ) a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Fe ( OH ) 2 ( s ) + H2 ( g ) Once the Fe hydrated oxide is produced, it removes pollutants by surface complexation and electrostatic attractive force. The pollutants presumptively act as a ligand to adhere with an Fe ion. Furthermore, the Fe hydrated oxide formed during reaction contains evident positive and negative charges which attract face-to-face charged polluting species and take them from the solution. ( EC ) . Electrocoagulation is initiated by the oxidization of sacrificial anodes out of aluminum or Fe giving up, severally Al3+ and Fe2+ ions. The latter ions are quickly oxidized to Fe3+ by air oxidization. The metal ions combine to the hydroxyl ions produced by the H2O electrolysis at the cathode, to organize the corresponding metal hydrated oxides, which favor the formation of the flocs by destabilization of the contaminations or particulate suspensions. The flocs formed can be recovered from the liquid surface by grating – when the bubbles of H produced at the cathode allow floatation – or settle depending on their denseness. Electrocoagulation is a procedure consisting of making a floc of metallic hydrated oxides within the wastewater to be treated by electrodissolution of a soluble anode. The coagulator in this technique is mentioned in situ by disintegration of a sacrificial anode and it involves three chief procedures [ 13 ] and [ 14 ] : electrolytic reaction at electrode surface, formation of coagulators by electrolytic oxidization in aqueous stage and surface assimilation of colloidal atoms on coagulator, and remotion by deposit or floatation. Therefore, the appropriate choice of the electrode stuffs is really of import. The most common used stuffs for electrocoagulation are aluminum or Fe. They are inexpensive, readily available. However, aluminum was found to be a more appropriate electrode stuff harmonizing to the Fe electrode public presentation [ 15 ] . The electrochemical reactions with aluminum as anode may be summarized as follows: At the anode: M ( s ) a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ M3+ ( aq ) + 3ea?’ ( 1 ) ( 2 ) View the MathML beginning In the solution: M3+ ( aq ) + 3H2O a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ M ( OH3 ) ( s ) + 3H+ ( aq ) ( 3 ) M3+ ( aq ) and OHa?’ ions generated by the electrode reactions ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) react, severally, to organize assorted monomeric species, depending on pH scope, which transform eventually into M ( OH ) 3 harmonizing to complex precipitation dynamicss. Freshly formed formless M ( OH ) 3 ( sweep flocs ) with big surface countries which are good for a rapid surface assimilation of soluble organic compounds and caparison of colloidal atoms. Consequently, these flocs can be removed by deposit or by floatation utilizing H2 bubbles produced at the cathode [ 16 ] . Optimizing the electrocoagulation procedure implies finding of the experimental conditions for separation of oil from oil-in-water emulsion. In the preliminary survey, the job can be defined as destabilising the emulsion by destructing the interfacial movie and get the better ofing the repulsive force effects of the electrical dual bed to let the eventually sized oil droplets to organize larger droplets through coalescency. In the 2nd phase, the optimum operating conditions will be applied and the research will concern the optimum operational parametric quantities aimed to divide oil utilizing the electrochemical method. While the aim is to measure one or more factors that have an unquestionable consequence on the procedure separation. In conventional multifactor experiments, optimisation is normally carried out by changing a individual factor while maintaining all other factors fixed at a specific set of conditions. It is non merely time-consuming, but besides normally incapable of making the true optimum due to disregarding the interactions among variables. Therefore, it is desirable to develop an acceptable procedure in shortest possible clip utilizing minimal figure of work forces, hours and natural stuffs. In add-on, the technique of the experimental design is an efficient method of bespeaking the comparative significance of a figure of variables and their interactions [ 17 ] . For this intent, response surface method ( RSM ) was proposed to find the influences of single factors and their synergistic influences. RSM is a statistical technique for planing experiments, edifice theoretical accounts, measuring the effects of several factors, and seeking optimal conditions for desirable responses [ 18 ] . The chief advantage of this method of other statistical experimental design methods is the decreased figure of experiments tests needed to measure multiple parametric quantities and their interactions [ 19 ] . Recently, this method has been used to find optima l parametric quantities in different procedures [ 20 ] and [ 21 ] . Electrocoagulation is the procedure of destabilising suspended, emulsified, or dissolved contaminations in an aqueous medium by presenting an electric current into the medium. In its simplest signifier, an electrocoagulation reactor may be made up of an electrolytic cell with one anode and one cathode. The conductive metal home bases are normally known as ‘sacrificial electrodes ‘ and may be made of the same or different stuffs ( anode and cathode ) ( Mollah et al. , 2001 ) . Electrocoagulation is the electrochemical production of destabilization agents ( such as Al, Fe ) that brings about neutralization of electric charge for taking pollutant. Once charged, the atoms bond together like little magnets to organize a mass. This procedure has proven really effectual in taking contaminations from H2O and is characterised by decreased sludge production, no demand for chemical usage, and easiness of operation ( Rajeshwar and Ibanez, 1997 ) . Colloid – destabilizing agent s that consequence on-charge neutralization are produced by electrolysis in the EC procedure. For illustration, aluminum anodes are used to bring forth aluminum cations which have the same consequence as the add-on of Al-based coagulators in conventional intervention systems.2.2.2 How effectual is electrocoagulation:There were n't many siecntific documents discoursing the application of electrocoagulation in taking H2O in petroleum oil, nevertheless many surveies have discussed the effictiveness of electrocoagulation procedure in effluent interventions every bit good as in interrupting oil H2O emulsion. Which has been practiced in these industries for old ages. Therefore these informations will be analysed in our literature reappraisal, and it will be the sicientific princibles in which we base our research on with careful scrutiny of the parametric quantities in them. The scientific publication below will discus the followers: why electrocoagulation is needed and better than conventional methods in separation or emulsion breakage: the consequences and findings in these publication that evaluate the effectivity of the electrocoagulation system the parametric quantities that affect these consequences2.2.3 why electrocoagulation is needed and better than conventional methods in separation or emulsion breakage?Electrocoagulation ( EC ) procedure has been attracted a great attending in handling industrial effluents because of the versatility and environmental compatibility. This technique has some advantages when compared to conventional methods such as simple equipment, easy to run, less keeping clip, decrease or absence of adding chemicals, rapid deposit of the electrogenerated flocs and less sludge production. Therefore, it was shown that EC could be used as an effectual and dependable method for cut downing or taking a big assortment of pollutants in effluents ( Kobya et al. , 2006 ) . In recent old ages, several surveies have focused on electrocoagulation, which is an effectual procedure used to destabilise and take finely spread atoms from Waterss and effluents. These surveies have shown that electrocoagulation is a competitory engineering for the remotion of pollutants from supply H2O [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] and [ 3 ] , urban effluents [ 4 ] and besides in the intervention of existent and man-made industrial wastewaters [ 5 ] and [ 6 ] such as those generated in the agro-alimentary [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] and [ 9 ] , metalworking [ 10 ] and fabric industries [ 11 ] , [ 12 ] and [ 13 ] .The advantages reported for this engineering, as compared to the conventional curdling procedure ( add-on of coagulator by solution dosing ) , are the simpleness of the equipment required, versatility, safety and easy mechanization of the procedure [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] and [ 17 ] as this attack does non necessitate the add-on of any chemicals. The procedure consequences in high-energy efficiency, selectivity and cost effectivity, every bit good as a reduced sum of precipitate or sludge, which sediments quickly [ 18 ] . In add-on, the low current demand allows such procedures to be run by green energy beginnings such as solar power, air current Millss and fuel cells [ 17 ] . The consequences obtained allow us to sort this technique as one of the most promising methods for handling effluent watercourses polluted with colloids and colorants or dwelling of oil-in-water emulsions. The development of EC procedure has been hindered for old ages by the high investing costs and terrible competition with the chemical processes. It started to recover importance with betterment of electrochemical procedures and announcement of more rigorous environmental statute laws on effluent. This new rise of electrocoagulation has besides been due to the comparative decrease in the operation and investing costs. EC has the possible to be competitory with regard to both economical and environmental standards for intervention of effluent and other related H2O direction issues [ 8 ] . This technique has been applied for intervention of Waterss incorporating suspended solids [ 9 ] , oils and lubricating oils [ 10 ] , [ 11 ] , [ 12 ] and [ 13 ] , dyes and fabric effluents [ 14 ] and [ 15 ] , or industrial wastes incorporating heavy metals [ 16 ] and phosphate [ 17 ] . EC was besides applied for defluoridation of H2O [ 18 ] and urban wastewatersMethods of demulsification oil-water emu lsion include chemical, mechanical and lectrochemical techniques [ 1 ] . Chemical curdling is carried out by adding salts such as ferrous sulfate or aluminum sulfate to the emulsion followed by a precipitation reaction. This method generates a high water-content sludge with attendant dewatering and disposal jobs beside the high cost of the coagulating chemicals. Mechanical methods such as ultrafiltration are limited in usage because of the rapid fouling of the membranes used in ultrafiltration [ 1 ] . Electrocoagulation is having an increasing credence by industry in position of its advantages compared to other methods [ 1 ] and [ 2 ] . Several methods have been used for the intervention of theses wastes † agricultural waste â€Å" , such as chemical destabilization by utilizing inorganic salts [ 2 ] , flocculation [ 3 ] , dissolved air floatation [ 4 ] , and membrane procedures [ 5 ] and [ 6 ] . A reappraisal of literature indicated a certain figure of surveies which show the success of the oil separation from greasy rejections by utilizing electroflotation [ 7 ] and [ 8 ] . The chief disadvantage of this method is the restriction of separation efficiency by the oil concentration in the emulsion. To cut down this restriction, other techniques based on the combination of the electroflotation with flocculation were used successfully [ 9 ] . Recently, there is a demand to place new engineerings that achieve technically and economically efficient separation of oil from oil-in-water emulsion. For this intent, electrocoagulation procedure is playing a more outstanding function in the intervention of greasy effluents [ 10 ] , [ 11 ] and [ 12 ] , because it provides some advantages: no chemical additives are added to destabilise the emulsion, simple equipment, easy operation, low capital and operating cost and reduced sum of sludge. Electrocoagulation ( EC ) and electrocoagulation/flotation ( ECF ) processes can be applied to a wide scope of H2O and effluent intervention systems and are most effectual in taking inorganic contaminations and pathogens. Because of their wide pertinence, they have been used for groundwater and surface H2O redress at several sites ( Joffe and Knieper, 2000 ) . These procedures are characterised by easiness of operation, reduced production of sludge, and no demand to manage chemicals. They have been applied expeditiously to assorted H2O intervention jobs. Therefore, if EC can replace conventional chemical curdling, really small alteration is required to do the present intervention workss more efficient and decide the many jobs caused by chemical curdling ( Rajeshwar and Ibanez, 1997 ) . This research presents information refering to the remotion pollutants by electrocoagulation in H2O and effluent.2.3 Computational Fluid Dynamic ( CFD )Fluid flows encountered in mundane life including meteoric phenomena such as rain, air current, hurricanes, inundations, fires every bit good as environmental jeopardies such as air pollution, conveyance of contaminations heating, airing and air conditioning of edifices, and autos. When discuss about fluid flow it does non halt until the fluid but instead widen to the airing form such as burning in car engines and other propulsion systems, interaction of assorted objects with the environing air/water, complex flows in furnaces, heat money changers, chemical reactors etc. it besides affect the procedures in human organic structure blood flow, external respiration, imbibing, and so on and so forth. The importance of CFD is so distinguish that it provides a qualitative and sometimes quantitatve anticipation of fluid flows by agencies of mathematical mold ( partial differential equations ) , numerical methods ( discretization and solution techniques ) and package tools ( convergent thinkers, pre- and postprocessing public-service corp orations ) . It enables scientists and applied scientists to execute ‘numerical experiments ‘ ( i.e. computing machine simulations ) in a ‘virtual flow research lab ‘ .Definition of Computational Fluid Dynamic ( CFD )Computational fluid moral force is the scientific discipline of foretelling fluid flow, heat and mass transportation, chemical reaction and related phenomena by work outing numerically the Lashkar-e-Taiba of regulating mathematical equations. It is besides a preservation of mass, impulse, energy and species.The consequences of CFD analysis are relevant in conceptual surveies of new designs, elaborate merchandise development, problem shot, and redesigning.CFD analysis complements proving and experimentation and reduces the entire attempt required in the experiment design and information acquisition. There are many different definition given to CFD, below are some of the definitions: The art of replacing such Partial Differential Equation ( PDE ) systems by a set of algebra equations which can be solved utilizing digital computing machines ( Kuzmin, D ) Computational fluid kineticss ( CFD ) is an technology method in which flow Fieldss and other natural philosophies are calculated in item for an application of involvement ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, retrieved on 11 July 2011 ) TheA predictionA ofA theA behaviourA ofA fluids andA ofA theA effectsA ofA fluidA motionA pastA objectsA byA numerical methodsA ratherA thanA modelA experiments (, retrieved on 11 July 2011 ) Computational fluid kineticss, normally abbreviated as CFD, is a subdivision of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods and algorithms to work out and analyse jobs that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to execute the computations required to imitate the interaction of liquids and gases with surfaces defined by boundary conditions. With high-velocity supercomputers, better solutions can be achieved. Ongoing research outputs package that improves the truth and velocity of complex simulation scenarios such as transonic or disruptive flows. Initial proof of such package is performed utilizing a air current tunnel with the concluding proof coming in all-out testing, e.g. flight trials.2.3.2 Background and historythe cardinal footing of about all CFD jobs are the Navier-Stokes equations, which define any single-phase fluid flow. These equations can be simplified by taking footings depicting viscousness to give the Euler equations. Further simplification, by taking footings depic ting vorticity outputs the full possible equations. Finally, for little disturbances in subsonic and supersonic flows ( non transonic or hypersonic ) these equations can be linearized to give the linearized possible equations. Historically, methods were foremost developed to work out the Linearized Potential equations. Planar methods, utilizing conformal transmutations of the flow about a cylinder to the flow about an aerofoil were developed in the 1930s. [ 1 ] The computing machine power available paced development of 3-dimensional methods. The first work utilizing computing machines to pattern fluid flow, as governed by the Navier-Stokes equations, was performed at Los Alamos National Labs, in the T3 group. The group published a paper patterning two dimensional twirling flow around an object in July 1963. This paper used the vorticity watercourse map method, developed by Jake Fromm at LANL. The first paper with 3-dimensional theoretical account was published by John Hess and A.M.O . Smith of Douglas Aircraft in 1967. [ 2 ] This method discretized the surface of the geometry with panels, giving rise to this category of plans being called Panel Methods. Their method itself was simplified, in that it did non include raising flows and hence was chiefly applied to transport hulls and aircraft fuselages. The first lifting Panel Code ( A230 ) was described in a paper written by Paul Rubbert and Gary Saaris of Boeing Aircraft in 1968. [ 3 ] In clip, more advanced 3-dimensional Panel Codes were developed at Boeing ( PANAIR, A502 ) , [ 4 ] Lockheed ( Quadpan ) , [ 5 ] Douglas ( HESS ) , [ 6 ] McDonnell Aircraft ( MACAERO ) , [ 7 ] NASA ( PMARC ) [ 8 ] and Analytical Methods ( WBAERO, [ 9 ] USAERO [ 10 ] and VSAERO [ 11 ] [ 12 ] ) . Some ( PANAIR, HESS and MACAERO ) were higher order codifications, utilizing higher order distributions of surface uniquenesss, while others ( Quadpan, PMARC, USAERO and VSAERO ) used individual uniquenesss on each surface panel. The advanta ge of the lower order codifications was that they ran much faster on the computing machines of the clip. Today, VSAERO has grown to be a multi-order codification and is the most widely used plan of this category. It has been used in the development of many pigboats, surface ships, cars, choppers, aircraft, and more late wind turbines. Its sister codification, USAERO is an unsteady panel method that has besides been used for patterning such things as high velocity trains and rushing yachts. The NASA PMARC codification from an early version of VSAERO and a derived function of PMARC, named CMARC, [ 13 ] is besides commercially available. In the planar kingdom, a figure of Panel Codes have been developed for aerofoil analysis and design. The codifications typically have a boundary bed analysis included, so that syrupy effects can be modeled. Professor Richard Eppler of the University of Stuttgart developed the PROFILE codification, partially with NASA support, which became available in the early 1980s. [ 14 ] This was shortly followed by MIT Professor Mark Drela ‘s XFOIL codification. [ 15 ] Both PROFILE and XFOIL incorporate planar panel codifications, with coupled boundary bed codifications for aerofoil analysis work. PROFILE uses a conformal transmutation method for reverse aerofoil design, while XFOIL has both a conformal transmutation and an reverse panel method for aerofoil design. An intermediate measure between Panel Codes and Full Potential codifications were codifications that used the Transonic Small Disturbance equations. In peculiar, the 3-dimensional WIBCO codification, [ 16 ] developed by Charlie Boppe of Grumman Aircraft in the early 1980s has seen heavy usage. Developers turned to Full Potential codifications, as panel methods could non cipher the non-linear flow nowadays at transonic velocities. The first description of a agency of utilizing the Full Potential equations was published by Earll Murman and Julian Cole of Boeing in 1970. [ 17 ] French republics Bauer, Paul Garabedian and David Korn of the Courant Institute at New York University ( NYU ) wrote a series of planar Full Potential aerofoil codifications that were widely used, the most of import being named Program H. [ 18 ] A farther growing of Program H was developed by Bob Melnik and his group at Grumman Aerospace as Grumfoil. [ 19 ] Antony Jameson, originally at Grumman Aircraft and the Courant Institute of NYU, worked with David Caughey to develop the of import 3-dimensional Full Potential codification FLO22 [ 20 ] in 1975. Many Full Potential codifications emerged after this, climaxing in Boeing ‘s Tranair ( A633 ) codification, [ 21 ] which still sees heavy usage. The following measure was the Euler equations, which promised to supply more accurate solutions of transonic flows. The methodological analysis used by Jameson in his 3-dimensional FLO57 codification [ 22 ] ( 1981 ) was used by others to bring forth such plans as Lockheed ‘s TEAM plan [ 23 ] and IAI/Analytical Methods ‘ MGAERO plan. [ 24 ] MGAERO is alone in being a structured Cartesian mesh codification, while most other such codifications use structured body-fitted grids ( with the exclusion of NASA ‘s extremely successful CART3D codification, [ 25 ] Lockheed ‘s SPLITFLOW codification [ 26 ] and Georgia Tech ‘s NASCART-GT ) . [ 27 ] Antony Jameson besides developed the 3-dimensional AIRPLANE codification [ 28 ] which made usage of unstructured tetrahedral grids. In the planar kingdom, Mark Drela and Michael Giles, so alumnus pupils at MIT, developed the ISES Euler plan [ 29 ] ( really a suite of plans ) for aerofoil design and analysis. This codification foremost became available in 1986 and has been farther developed to plan, analyze and optimise individual or multi-element aerofoils, as the MSES plan. [ 30 ] MSES sees broad usage throughout the universe. A derivative of MSES, for the design and analysis of aerofoils in a cascade, is MISES, [ 31 ] developed by Harold â€Å" Guppy † Youngren while he was a graduate pupil at MIT.The Navier-Stokes equations were the ultimate mark of developers. Planar codifications, such as NASA Ames ‘ ARC2D codification foremost emerged. A figure of 3-dimensional codifications were developed ( ARC3D, OVERFLOW, CFL3D are three successful NASA parts ) , taking to legion commercial bundles.2.3.3 Application of Computational Fluid Dynamic ( CFD )CFD is used to imitate some of difficult to double expe rimental status or to look into some of difficult to mensurate variables ( Allied env. Tech, 2000 ) . It is besides used to depict the equipment public presentation and work out to give information such as temperature, speed profiles and equipment size ( Allied env. Tech, 2000 ) . CFD is besides known in optimising the air flow and energy preservation in research lab goons and vented enclosures ( Kolesnikov A, Ryan R & A ; Walters D, 2001 ) . In an technology probe, CFD analysis of temperature, speed and chemical concentration distributions can assist applied scientists to understand the jobs right and supply thoughts for the best declaration ( Park H, 2010 )3.4 The design of Electrostatic DesalterThe electrostatic desalter / negotiator procedure involves the creative activity of a high electromotive force electric field through which the petroleum must flux from the entryway heading below the electrodes to the issue heading in the top of the vas. The little H2O droplets in the petr oleum are coalesced in the electric field into big droplets which fall quickly to the interface degree taking entrained salt and rushing up the settling rate of the H2O stage. In the unit high electromotive force is applied to one of two sets of steel Electrode grids in the vas. These two sets of grids are parallel to the horizontal centre line of the vas. The lower grid ( hot grid ) is located near the halfway line of the vas and is charged with the secondary electromotive force or the transformer ( high electromotive force ) . This grid is suspended from an insulated support frame.8 The upper grid is anchored to the vas wall through the support beam and serves as a land grid. The flow rate determines the needed keeping clip in the electric field. When this rate is increased much beyond the capacity of the unit, the amalgamate droplets can non settle out and some solid atoms and/or H2O may transport over into the merchandise. Desalters and negotiators differ in that desalters normally are provided with extra H2O beyond what is of course entrained in the oil flow and negotiators are non. This is because the basic map of a negotiator is to take the H2O that is present and the basic map of the desalter is to take the salts present by fade outing them in H2O and taking the H2O. The salts are removed because they cause corrosion jobs downstream in the refinery. File: Desalter Diagram.png Figure 2.1: cross sectional position of Electrostatic petroleum oil desolater3.0 METHODOLOGY3.1 How are we traveling to make this undertaking?Gather more information about the procedure Choose the appropriate design Find the geometry that is more approperate to handel the sort of map that we want After make up one's minding that sort of deminsion the simulation procedure will get down by two stairss Using ploy Making geometry First is make up one's minding the demision of the pipe in footings of diameter and hight Decide the type of connexion between the different parts wether we are traveling to see the different parts of the design or loop should handle it as a 1 integrated portion for better consequence Decide what sort of stuff will be our wall The thickness of these walls will besides play a important portion Planing the electric parts of the system Inlet and mercantile establishment of the current The thickness of the electricalplates What sort of stuff we are traveling to utilize for these electric home bases home bases What will be the surface country that we will necessitate for better curdling Using fluent In this subdivision what we have to make is import our design that we purportedly prepared the geometry from ploy Volumes should be checked wether they are positive or non Choosing a proper units of measuring Puting operating conditions Puting the type of stuffs used Identifying fators that wil be iterated to measure the effectivity of the system Desiding wether there should be traveling parts or non. 5-Gathering the consequences and informations for analytical work 6-After analyzing the information gathered from loop decisions shall be drown about the system and parametric quantities used and what consequence they have on the system 7-Strenghths of our design will be highlighted 8-Weaknesses of the system will be identifiable 9-A comparing of the findings and decisions to the aims that were set 10-Recommendation will be set to better the failings in the system design.3.2 How to utilize CFD3.2.1 GambitIn the ploy subdivision, we do two chief things that are: Making geometry bring forthing mesh In usual cases, CFD jobs will hold the job description in which the dimensions of the geometry will be known. After get downing the ploy we build the geometry, the scheme in making so is the â€Å" top-down † solid mold attack in which we construct the geometry by making volumes ( bricks, cylinders, etc. ) and so pull stringsing them through Boolean operations ( unite, subtract, etc. ) . This manner, you can rapidly construct complicated forms without first making the implicit in vertices, borders, and faces. The first measure in covering with ploy is utilizing the graphical user interface as depicted below. hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 3.1: first measure in covering with ploy Following measure is making a volume. First, utilizing the operation tool tablet as shown above, select the geometry button. After that, click ‘create volume ‘ and so take the volume you want to build whether it is a brick or a cylinder and et cetera. Second, incorporate different volumes utilizing BooleanA Operations in which you can unify two or more volume. Subtract on volume from another, or split volume from another. hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 3.2: making a volumeA 3.2.2 Manipulate the Display.1. Zoom out from the current position by keeping down the right mouse button in the artworks window and forcing the mouse off from you. 2. Revolve the position around the screen centre by keeping down the right mouse button and traveling the mouse from side to side. 3. Revolve the position in free-form manner by keeping down the left mouse button and traveling the mouse. 4. Translate the show by keeping down the in-between mouse button and traveling the mouse. 5. Divide the artworks window into four quarter-circles by snaping the A SELECT PRESET CONFIGURATION A hypertext transfer protocol: // bid button in theA Global ControlA toolpad. GAMBITA divides the artworks window into four quarter-circles and applies a different orientation to the theoretical account in each of the four quarter-circles. Each position of the artworks window can be manipulated independently. All alterations to the theoretical account appear in all parts of the artworks window, unless you disable one or more quarter-circles. hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 3.3: GAMBIT GUI-four graphics-window quarter-circles 6. Restore a individual show of the theoretical account. a ) Use the left mouse button to choose the graphics-window â€Å" sash ground tackle † -the little grey box in the centre of the artworks window. B ) Use the mouse to drag the sash ground tackle to the bottom right corner of the artworks window. 7. Restore the front position of the theoretical account by left-clicking theA ORIENT MODELA hypertext transfer protocol: // bid button in theA Global ControlA toolpad. 8. Scale the theoretical account to suit the artworks window by snaping theA FIT TO WINDOWA hypertext transfer protocol: // bid button in theA Global ControlA toolpad.3.2.3 Mesh the Volume1. Make a mesh for the volume. MESHA hypertext transfer protocol: // – & gt ; A VOLUMEA hypertext transfer protocol: // – & gt ; A MESH VOLUMESA hypertext transfer protocol: // This opens theA Mesh VolumesA signifier. hypertext transfer protocol: // a ) A Shift-left-click the volume in the artworks window. GAMBITA will automatically take theA CooperA Scheme TypeA as the engaging tool to be used, and will utilize anA Interval sizeA ofA 1A ( the default ) underA Spacing. B ) ClickA ApplyA at the underside of theA Mesh VolumesA signifier. This accepts the volume you selected as the one to be meshed. It besides accepts the beginning faces ( the faces whose surface meshes are to be swept through the volume to organize volume elements ) that GAMBITA has chosen for theA CooperA engaging strategy and starts the engagement. A position saloon appears at the top of theA GAMBITA GUI to bespeak how much of the engagement is complete. The volume will be meshed as shown in Figure 3.4. hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 3.4: Meshed volume2.3.4 FluentAnother manner of utilizing it is through Fluent. This is the interface of fluent. Figure 3.5: Fluent This is how you operate Fluent: Import ( graduated table ) the mesh file ( the 1 we will make in ploy ) by snaping the file button and choosing read instance and acquire into the file that you ab initio created from ploy. Click on grid and choice cheque to analyze whether or non the volumes are all in positive values 3. Click define underside and choice units to choose that type of units suited for your theoretical account. 4. Choice physical theoretical accounts in which you can utilize syrupy theoretical account and the types of that theoretical account. 5. Define stuff belongingss based on your job and the stage of that stuff. 6. Prescribe runing conditions puting the force per unit area, denseness, or gravitation of your theoretical account. 7. Prescribe boundary conditions whether they should be fluid or liquid, traveling wall, traveling zone or stationary wall based on your theoretical account. Supply an initial solution before get downing the loop. Set convergent thinker controls and whether or non the graph should be plotted, iterate and proctor solution, the aforethought graph will be as below. Figure 3.6: Fluent operation To acquire a ocular image on what is go oning, make an ISO surface and choose the speed magnitude contorous to acquire an illustration shown below. Figure 3.7: contours of speed magnitude ( m/s )

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Abc Steel Company Essay

Robert Cruz, newly appointed Shop Manager of ABC Steel Company, was making his way through the plant back to his office. He had just reviewed the company’s most recent operating statistics with his boss, Rudyard de los Santos, Operations Manager. The statistics were shocking: ABC Company’s production backlog had reached such proportions that top management decided not to accept any further business. The company was paying penalties of P50, 000.00 a day due to non-fulfillment of contract delivery dates. ABC Company was one of the country’s largest producers of fabricated steel products. The company fabricated and installed storage tanks, mine and cane car bodies, dump bodies, boats and many types of structural steel. As shown in the organization chart (Exhibit 1), fabrication and installation activities were organized as independent activities. See more: Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essay Robert Cruz had recently been promoted from Quality Control Supervisor to Shop Manager (see Exhibit 1). Twenty-nine years old, Robert had worked for ABC Company for the past 2 years. He had previously worked as a sheet metal worker and as an instructor at a United States naval base in Subic. Robert held an engineering degree from a local university. Plagued by an ever-increasing production backlog, ABC Company had placed Robert in charge of all shop operations. There were 200 workers in the shop reporting directly to leadmen who, in turn, reported to Bay supervisors.1There were five Bay supervisors reporting to Robert. Before Robert’s appointment, Jim Fuentes, 45, was in charge of the shop. It was decided to transfer him to the position of Field Manager. (This position had formerly been a part of Rudyard’s responsibility.) Before, he and Mr. de los Santos had reviewed the ABC Company’s performance. Robert had isolated a number of critical problem areas in the fabrication shop. Production control was a constant problem. Schedules were drawn up improperly and they were seldom met. For example, a local construction firm had recently contracted ABC Company to build 2 dump trucks. The contract  price agreed upon was P150,000 each, and the trucks were to be delivered in 8 weeks. ABC Company had failed to meet the delivery date. The first dump truck was delivered after 10 week’s time, and the production statistics revealed that â€Å"out of pocket† costs for the first truck exceeded P170, 000. The second truck had yet to be delivered, and Robert estimated that fabrication costs for the two would total nearly P400,000. It was discovered that labor and material estimates had been inaccurate. More importantly, Robert listed four reasons why target dates were not met: (1) the targets were unrealistic, (2) shifts in manpower requirements were not anticipated, _______________ 1All fabrication activities were carried on in separate sections of the plant called â€Å"bays†. Most work orders were started and completed in one bay; less than 20% of the production work flowed from one bay to another. (3 there were no consistent â€Å"follow-up† policies and (4) machine scheduling was so poor that during one week, a huge cutting machine lay idle, while during the next week it had to be run 22 hours a day.2 As shown in Exhibit 1, Rudyard de los Santos was acting Production Control Manager. He and Gabby Alcantara, (Shop Production Control Supervisor), were working on a more effective system of production control. But Robert believed it would be at least six months before any new system would be ready for implementation. As the General Manager admitted, production and control was a â€Å"hit and miss† affair. Another problem Robert Cruz inherited when he took over the fabrication shop was a shortage of skilled manpower. ABC Company had long prided itself on being a producer of top quality steel products. The use of skilled welders, cutters, and steel workers was ABC Company’s only assurance that this quality could be maintained, and in recent years such skilled workers had become scarce. Finally, Robert had been told that there were serious â€Å"discipline† problems  in the shop. Workers were often tardy. They fraternized constantly during working hours, and often disregarded the authority of their leadmen and supervisors. Ninety percent of the laborers came from a nearby baranggay, and many were also baranggay leaders tended to be more lax in implementing company policies and taking disciplinary action against the workers. Other baranggay leaders who did not hold positions of responsibility with ABC Company were able to undermine the authority of the leadmen and supervisors in the shop. Two of the five Bay supervisors were described by the workers as â€Å"baranggay leaders†; two were described as being â€Å"not important† in the baranggay. One supervisor was an â€Å"outsider† and did not reside in the nearby baranggay. When Robert’s appointment to the position of Shop Manager became known, many persons in the shop were surprised. Although his performance in the Quality Control Department had been excellent, many of the â€Å"old timers† in the shop believed he lacked sufficient â€Å"management experience.† Interview with Robert Cruz Edison Mojica, an MBA student specializing in Organizational Behavior, had been observing the operations of ABC Steel Company as part of practicum for a number of weeks. He was waiting in the Shop manager’s office when Robert Cruz returned from his meeting with Rudyard de los Santos. He and Robert sat down and the new Shop Manager began to talk. Robert: Well I know I’ve got my work cut out for me†¦ You should see those penalty figures! We’ll be bankrupt in another five months at this rate! I’m still swimming in a pool of problems†¦Lots of them. Old problems dropped into my lap. _______________ 2ABC Steel Company fabrication operations were carried on during two eight-hour shifts. The first shift was from 8 AM to 5 PM; the second shift was from 5 PM to 2 AM. What’s worst, present problem multiply them (Pause). Of course, management does not expect me to solve these problems all by myself. I’m new in this position†¦.besides, the odds seem to be on my side. I would need the help of other departments. Edison: What do you mean by â€Å"odds†? Robert: Well, take the case of my supervisors in the shop. They are too old to be my subordinates. (Laughs) Not only that, they’re too good to their men. I don’t get any bad reports from them. That’s not an accurate reflection of things. The supervisors can’t afford to go against the majority’s rule you know how baranggay folks are†¦. Edison: But do you get results from your supervisors? Robert: It’s not a question of getting results from them. It’s more a problem of getting the best results. Do you think that my supervisors would have the guts to ask their men to cut out their chat-chats during working hours, or their coming late to work? Or even correcting their poor working habits? Everyone tries to be a supervisor here, you know. Edison: How do you propose to correct this situation? Robert: The Personnel Department will have to help me handle this problem. My supervisors and leadmen will be given supervisory training. If they still don’t’ learn†¦ Well, I think I have to be more firmed with them. Right? You see, before I stepped into this shop, these supervisors had been doing the things they’re doing now for generations. I’m not exaggerating. I think previous management had been too lax with them. To break a rule was not uncommon. Nobody seemed to check on anyone. Now when I came in, I tried to push these rules. What happened? The workers thought that I’ve created new rules for them. They think I’m trying to be strict with them. Edison: What’s your major problem in the shop? Robert: I have many major problems. (Laughs) But I think production control is the worst of them. We never seem to have completed any job on time. This is what’s costing us money. Planning and scheduling are a hit and miss affair. It’s really hard to break a habit, isn’t it? Besides, our production control section is undermanned, I think. What we‘ve got to do is get the men to think in terms of a schedule, a plan †¦.rather than just working on the job in front of them†¦.. The Problem of Overtime The following day a Bay Supervisor entered Robert’s office and requested that the entire fabrication work force be placed on overtime that weekend to complete a number of unfinished jobs.3 The Shop Manager knew that in recent months overtime expenses were extraordinarily high. Mr. de los Santos and top management had tolerated this extra expense because it seemed to be the only way to meet deadlines. Before granting the Bay Supervisor’s request, Robert asked for detailed description of the operations that were to be completed during the overtime period. The Bay Supervisor became angry. He stood up and exclaimed loudly. â€Å"Nobody in my twenty years in this shop has demanded this from me. Who do you think you are?† The two men stared at each other. After a few moments Robert suggested they review the matter with Mr. Rudyard de los Santos. The Operations Manger, sensing that the Bay Supervisor was very upset, decided that the Supervisor on this occasion need not submit a description of work to be completed. However, it was made an operating procedure from that time on that a proposed overtime activities list had to be submitted before any overtime could be allowed in the shop. The following week Robert found that it would be necessary for one of the fabrication bays to work overtime. He approached the Bay Supervisor and asked him to work overtime on the following day. To Robert’s surprise, the  Supervisor told him that the men could not make the overtime because they all had â€Å"previous appointments.† ABC STEEL COMPANY Essay VIEWPOINT:a) Mr. Robert Cruz, newly appointed Shop Manager of ABC Steel Company. The company had placed Mr. Robert in charge of all shop operations; OR b) Top Management TIME CONTEXT:At present I.PROBLEM STATEMENT: How can ABC Steel Company avoid delays in the production and delivery of the products to the customer? II.STATEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVE To strictly comply with the stated delivery schedule requirement of the customer in recently placed orders and fully accomplish the backlogs within three (3) months. III.AREAS OF CONSIDERATION A.STRENGTH 1.ABC Company was one of the country’s largest producers of fabricated steel products. The company fabricated and installed storage tanks, mine and cane car bodies, dump bodies, boats and many types of structural steel. 2. ABC has the capability to produce top quality steel products. B.WEAKNESSES 1.ABC Company has an inaccurate labor and materials estimates; 2.The targets were unrealistic; 3.Shifts in manpower requirements were not anticipated; 4.There were no consistent â€Å"follow-up† policies; 5.Poor planning and scheduling of manpower and machineries; 6.Shortage of skilled manpower that produces top quality products; 7.View of subordinates that Mr. Rober Cruz lacked management experience; 8.Authority of leadmen and supervisors is being disregarded by their subordinates; 9.Discipline problems among workers; and 10.Lax in the implementation of company’s rules and regulations. 11.Production backlog C.OPPORTUNITIES 1.ABC’s known credibility in producing high quality fabricated steel products can still be used to generate other leading consumers in the market. D.THREATS 1.Bankruptcy in another five months; 2.Industry’s awareness of ABC’s situation/inefficiency; 3.Decrease in customer loyalty 4.Other companies in the same product line that target the delivery schedule of its customers IV.ASSUMPTION/S A.The machineries used by the company are in good condition and are sufficient enough to meet production requirements. B.No price increase in commodities. C.Workers will coordinate with their supervisor in terms of work attitudes V.ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION A.Conduct meeting with Department Heads B.Resources and personnel maximization C.Sub-contracting VI.ANALYSIS ADVANTAGEDISADVANTAGE Better understanding of company’s situation Pin-point the source of the problem thru representations of the Heads in their respective departments. Encourage participation of concerned personnel in decision-making Time consuming Adjustment difficulty Avoid idle times of machines Avoid fraternizing during work hours Completion of backlogs/increased in production Higher cost for maintenance and utilities Acquiring the services of company with expertise on the goods / services required. Division of labor Less profit VII.CONCLUSION AREA’SACA ABC Adaptability332 Timeliness332 Cost Effectiveness321 Manageability332 Total12117 Legend: 1 – Good, 2 – Better; and 3 – Best VIII.RECOMMENDATION:ACA A IX.DETAILED PLAN OF ACTION ACTIVITIESPERSONS INVOLVEDRESOURCESTIME FRAME 1.Conduct management review meetingRudyard delos Santos and Department HeadsMeeting expenses-Weekly (until the completion of the backlogs); and -Once every months (routine schedule). 2. Strict implementation of management review meeting agreements (e.g. Status reports)Department HeadsMeeting expensesAs required. 2. Conduct Leadership trainings and seminar for Completed Staff Work Managers and StaffAt least 2 training per semester (1 internal and 1 external trainings) 3.Creative an incentive scheme (e.g. Star Performer of the month) with incentive bonus StaffEvery month 4. Create a Performance Evaluation CommitteeManagers/SupervisorsBefore end of the year 5.Conduct of Team Building activitiesManagers, Staff, Department headsCultural expenseQuarterly – all department

Friday, November 8, 2019

Love Quotes That Never Go Out of Fashion

Love Quotes That Never Go Out of Fashion What is your first reaction when you hear someone use a cheesy line? If you are a closet romantic, youd pooh-pooh the die-hard romantic  talk. You might even make disgusted faces and tell others how stupid young lovers are. But honestly, wouldnt you love it when someone used a cheesy line on you? Something happens to us when we hear cheesy love quotes. On the outside, we pretend to be squeamish. But inside, we admire the deep love that gushes out in the form of unbridled flattery. Break the Ice With Love Quotes Cheesy love quotes can be great icebreakers when you want to work your charm on someone. In fact, many couples have claimed that its the cheesy love quotes that are the deal clinchers. Many years later, they fondly remember the first time they met, often citing the pickup line that sealed their love. As the years go by, couples may fall into a comfort zone, and the expression of these kinds of love sentiments might become awkward. But rest assured romance never dies out. When your partner occasionally makes a public display of affection by using cheesy lines, you cant help feeling all romantic. Use Valentines Day as an Excuse On Valentines Day, you can pull out all the stops. Whether you are single or happily married, this is a perfect time to test the cheesy love quotes and woo your sweetheart. On Valentines Day, you can even blame the cheese on Cupid. Go the extra mile and shower love on your dearest. Cast aside your embarrassment and fear of rejection. Read some sappy romantic movie quotes for inspiration and play Romeo or Juliet. Your lover  might be embarrassed or even mortified by your sudden display of passion. But when they look back, they will treasure these memories of love. Robert BraultTo find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness. Dr. Felice Leonardo (Leo) Buscaglia aka Dr. Love from Speaking of LoveLove is life. And if you miss love, you miss life. Roy Croft from the poem LoveI love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. Billy Crystal in the movie When Harry Met SallyWhen you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. Colin Firth in the movie  Love ActuallyI love you even when youre sick and look disgusting. F. Scott Fitzgerald I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything. Robert Fulghum from the book True LoveWere all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutual satisfying weirdness- and call it love- true love. Ryan Gosling in the movie Blue ValentineI dont know, I just got a feeling about her. You know when a song comes on and you just gotta dance? Anthony Hopkins in the movie Meet Joe BlackMultiply [love] it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever, and you will still have barely a glimpse of what Im talking about. Franklin P. Jones Love doesnt make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Jason Jordan True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Robert Jordan from the book The Wheel of TimeYou have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. You have made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones. John Keats from the book The Mentorï » ¿My creed is love and you are its only tenet. Heath Ledger from the movie A Knight’s TaleMay I ask your name, my lady? Or perhaps angels have no names, only beautiful faces. Sam McBratney from the book Guess How Much I Love YouI love you right up to the moon...and back. George Moore Other men have seen angels, But I have seen thee, And thou art enough. Michel de Montaigne from the book The Complete Essaysï » ¿If I am pressed to say why I loved him, I feel it can only be explained by replying: Because it was he; because it was me. Iris Murdoch [Love is] the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real. Edgar Allan Poe from the short story Annabel Lee We loved with a love that was more than love. Jeremy Taylor Love is friendship set on fire. Robert Tizon I would rather have eyes that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot love. Dr. Seuss aka Theodor Seuss GeiselYou know youre in love when you dont want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Swedish Proverb Love me when I least deserve it  because thats when I really need it. J.R.R. Tolkien from the book The Fellowship of the RingI would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. Mae West Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache. Oscar Wilde Who, being loved, is poor? Renee Zellweger,  in the movie Jerry MaguireYou had me at hello.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Suggestions for Simple College Workouts

Suggestions for Simple College Workouts Finding the time to get your homework done  can be challenging enough but finding time to get in college workouts often seems impossible. Fortunately, however, there are some simple workouts you can do on nearly any campus. By thinking creatively, you can incorporate your schedule into your workouts instead of trying to incorporate your workouts into your schedule. Go for a Walk It can be fast; it can be slow; it can be on flat ground; it can be up and down the worst hills on campus. Walking, however, can be a great way to get a workout in during your busy day. Walk the long way to class. Park your car far from where you need to be and walk the rest of the way. Walk up the stairs. Walk to and from all of your classes instead of taking the shuttle. Just walk, walk, walk. Go for a Run If you dont have much time and dont mind a little sweat, going for a quick run can be a great college workout. It can also be a fun way to see parts of your campus that you havent seen before. If you have an hour between classes, consider going for a run instead of just talking it up with friends in the coffee shop. A 30- or 40-minute run still leaves you time to change, rinse off in the shower, and get to your next class in time. Go for a Bike Ride If your campus allows bikes, take advantage of the exercise you can get! Even if you dont have your own bike, see if you can borrow one from a friend or get one super cheap at a store near campus. You can bike to your classes, to your friends places off campus, to major events, and even to the grocery store when you run out of ramen. Just remember to always wear a helmet so you can protect that college-educated brain of yours. Do Yoga With Some Friends Its pretty easy to find some friends who also like to do yoga on a campus. Even if you guys arent pros, you can head somewhere fun the top of a hill, behind your sorority house, on a nice lawn in a quiet part of campus and do some of your favorite poses. Youll get some exercise, some social time, and a few minutes to center and refocus. Do Yoga Alone Finding privacy on campus is a major challenge for most students. Take a moment to do some yoga on your own somewhere outside. You dont even need to dress up in workout clothes to do 10-15 minutes of yoga in the quad or on the hill behind your residence hall. Take some deep breaths and enjoy the quiet while you can! Join a Pick-up Game Not knowing anyone with whom you can play is no excuse for not joining a pick-up game! Head to the gym to see whats going on. Chances are someone will need an extra person on their team. Youll end up getting a fun workout in while also meeting some new folks. Join a Non-credit Exercise Class in the Campus Gym Most campuses that have gyms also offer workout classes. See what interests you (spinning? pilates? circuit training?) and sign up. Knowing you have to workout at a specific time and place each week can help hold you accountable and can help you feel less guilty about not working out at other times. Run the Stairs in the Stadium Think of how you feel when you see someone running the steps in one of the campus stadiums on campus: That person is a rock star! Then think about how youll feel when youre the one who is doing it with ease. Rocky music, of course, can help but isnt required. Lift Weights in the Weight Room Weight training is a great way to get a college workout in without taking up too much time. If you have an hour to spare between classes, hit the weight room. Youll feel great, get energy for your next class, and tone up. Hit the Cardio Machines in the Gym Sure, most people cringe a little bit when they think of having to do the elliptical or treadmill in the gym. Instead of viewing this kind of exercise as drudgery, however, view it as your chance to mentally check-out a little. Treat yourself to a jamming playlist, read a gossipy magazine, watch TV episodes (or a movie) on your iPad/cell phone, or do anything else that lets your brain check out from the stress of college and the gym. You might be surprised at how quickly the time goes! Sign Up for a For-credit Exercise Class If you arent that great at holding yourself accountable when it comes to working out (either on your own or in a just-for-fun class), consider signing up for a for-credit workout class. Chances are, the idea of doing poorly in a gym class will be enough for you to get your tush to class on time, every time meaning youll always get your workouts in. Play Baseball or Softball You dont have to be part of a formal team to get a game going. Grab some friends and equipment and just have a fun time playing Americas favorite pastime. Play Ultimate Frisbee You dont need to be on your schools Ultimate Frisbee team in order to play, have a good time, and get in a good workout in the process. If you want to get a quick workout in on, say, a lazy Saturday afternoon, just grab some friends, a Frisbee, and an empty field. You just might end up playing for longer than you expected! Go for a Swim Many students forget that their campus gyms have pools and nice ones at that. You can go for a swim by yourself or with friends; you can do lazy laps or really push it; you can do laps or just do something silly with friends, like playing improv water polo or Marco Polo. No matter what you do, though, youll get your body moving while having fun and without being too sweaty when youre done. Workout in Your Room to a Video YouTube is overflowing with videos you can use to do your own, private workout in your room. You can also download a video of your choice or workout with a system (like a Wii). The best part: You can get your workout in without anyone else seeing. Do Some At-home Exercises in Your Room You may be interested in doing sit-ups ... but not in front of everyone at the gym. Set up your own home exercises (sit-ups, push-ups, tricep dips, etc.) for a quick routine that you can do whenever you have a moment, need an energy rush, or just need to give your brain a break from studying.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Determining the truth value of a statement Essay

Determining the truth value of a statement - Essay Example In this light, meaning is not limited to the reference of a term; rather, it involves the aspects of both sense and reference. Furthermore, Frege claims that in the context of a sentence, the sense is its â€Å"thought† while the reference is its â€Å"truth-value.† Herein, Frege clarifies how the sense of a given term should relate to its reference. Frege claims that a term that has a reference necessarily has a sense, but a term that has a sense need not have a reference. Hence, phrases such as the â€Å"King of France† are still meaningful, for they do have a sense. However, Frege contends that in the context of a sentence, such as â€Å"The present King of France is Bald,† it does not have a truth-value, i.e. it is neither true nor false. But doesn’t this manner of explicating non-referring terms lead to a rejection of the law of excluded middle? Russell’s Theory of Definite Descriptions Unlike Frege, Russell basically maintains a referen tial theory of meaning, for he believes that the difficulties attributed to this theory are results of the failure to distinguish between the grammatical structure and the logical structure of language. According to Russell’s theory, a linguistic expression, because of its grammatical form, may be taken as a referring expression. And because it is so taken, we may think that for it to be meaningful, it is necessary that it should have a reference, such that if that reference cannot be found in this world, it must be of another world. The point of Russell is that this referring expression, once analyzed logically, may not turn out to be a referring expression at all; and being such, the necessity of attributing a reference to it, to account for its meaning, simply vanishes. Definite descriptions are linguistic expressions that are taken as referring expressions in their grammatical form, but in their logical form, they are predicate expressions. They are of the form â€Å"the so and so;† they begin with the definite article â€Å"the† which makes them identify one and only one entity in the world. Moreover, Russell analyzes certain logical puzzles to show that ordinary grammar is a poor guide when it comes to determining what exists in the world. In this essay I shall discuss one of the puzzles raised by Russell. The Puzzle: The Present King of France is Bald? The puzzle concerns the following statement: â€Å"The present King of France is bald.† If we ask whether this sentence is true or false, since there is at present no King of France, the most natural thing to say is that it is false. But supposing we negate it; thus: â€Å"The present King of France is not bald.† Still this is false by virtue of the fact that there is at present no such â€Å"King of France.† But how can a statement and its negation both be false at the same time? Consider another statement, â€Å"The cat is on the mat.† If this is false, t hen surely its negation, â€Å"The cat is not on the mat,† is true. But it seems that this does not work in the former statement. If we translate the original statement â€Å"The present King of France is bald† into its logical form; thus: â€Å"There is at least one x, such that x is the present King of France, and X is bald,† we can clearly see that we can negate the statement in the following manner: â€Å"There is at lea

Friday, November 1, 2019

The First Amendment and the Supreme Court Essay

The First Amendment and the Supreme Court - Essay Example As phrases can mean different things to different people, the Supreme Court has interpreted this small yet significant passage over the decades in order to specifically define the rights of the citizenry protected by the First Amendment. During World War I, an activist named Schenck composed and mailed thousands of circulars to draftees urging them to peacefully resist conscription. This was interpreted as violating the Espionage Act of 1917, in particular the 'interfering with military or naval operations' provisions.1 Schenck and his supporters believed this was a violation of his First Amendment right to freedom of speech (especially as he did not advocate violence), while the United States government held that he endeavored to cause insubordination in the armed forces during wartime and to hinder recruitment.2 Eventually the case made its way to the Supreme Court. In Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919), decided on 3 March 1919, the court unanimously decided against Schenck. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. stated famously in the decision that 'the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic. It does not even protect a man from an injunction against uttering words that may have all the effect of force'.3 In other words, the First Amendment did not guarantee absolute freedom of speech. Words are not just utterances; they can have great power and cause immense turmoil. According the Court, when he encouraged draftees to subvert the law, Schenck entered the realm of destructive language that was not protected by the First Amendment. There is another interesting concept in this decision, that of relativity, 'a question of proximity and degree'. 4 This is the clear and present danger precedent, and this case established it as a method of analyzing such cases.5 As the United States was at war, the potential for danger was higher-these pamphlets were far more inflammatory at this period than they would have been when the country was at peace. With Americans entrenched in the war effort, the elasticity of what was acceptable and safeguarded by this amendment was not as great as it has been in other times. Naturally, this opinion has been modified and the freedom of speech expanded since 1919, but this relatively early case is an important development in the definition of what is meant by this amendment. Freedom of Press Towards the end of the conflict in Vietnam (never declared an official war by any administration), there was a great deal of criticism concerning American involvement in both the press and populace. In 1971, the New York Times received a copy of the Pentagon Papers from Daniel Ellsberg, a disillusioned Defense Department economist who secretly copied major sections.6 These classified documents were a 'top-secret history of the United States government's decision-making process regarding the war in Vietnam'.7 After careful consideration, the newspaper began publishing the unappealing details. Quickly, the Attorney General filed an injunction to stop further articles and within two weeks the case was before the Supreme Court. Essentially, the government was seeking prior restraint, to block an action before it took place. Because of